Welcome Home Sunday!
Hello, my friends! I don’t normally post on Sunday, but today I’m honored to be the guest of a remarkable group of bloggers for Welcome Home Sunday! Thank you so much to Kelly, from The Tattered Pew, for inviting me today.
Every Sunday, these talented ladies bring you awesome inspiration from their blogs! I’ve personally met several of them and consider them friends and others that I’m friends with online and hope to meet one day.
Each one of their homes is gorgeous and they always have something inspiring to share, so you’ll want to be sure to check each one of their featured posts out.
Suzy so thankful to have you joining us this week! You are such an inspiration and I am so thankful to have met you and call you a friend. Have a wonderful week!
Thank you so much for having me, Kelly! Hopefully, we’ll get to meet again one day!