The Weekly Muse: 3rd Edition
Welcome back for another edition of The Weekly Muse, where I give you a peek behind the scenes, some random happenings, musings and things that catch my eye that I think you would like too.

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Random Happenings
• I’m freshening up the finish on our consignment shop dining table and chairs that we bought (a year ago maybe?) I’m amazed at what a difference this product makes.
Do projects completely take over your house like they do at mine?
• How fun is it when a friend is freshening up some of the rooms in her home and asks you to come over to commiserate with her? Who doesn’t like to help spend someone else’s money???
It’s going to be gorgeous and I can’t wait to see the finished product!
• Speaking of working in my dining room, I’m contemplating adding plates around this mirror. I’ve been collecting them for quite a while.
But I’m terrified of making holes in the wallpaper, even though they’ll be tiny ones.

Caught my eye
Loving this bright and airy studio by Molly Basile Interiors. Those ginger jars are just incredible.

I’ve never met a scallop that I didn’t like. Check out this doormat.
I could curl up in this chair and read for hours. Love, love, love the fabric.

Speaking of onions, has anyone ever tried Tennessee Onions? Looks like a fabulous dish for a potluck.
Are you gearing up for the 4th of July? This patriotic wreath is a stunner! The sash is just perfect.
I’m thinking I should plant Allium in the garden after reading Ann’s guide. How pretty!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, my friend!