The Weekly Muse: 10th Edition
Hi there and welcome to this week’s edition of The Weekly Muse. This week includes a puppy update, some awesome finds, and a tiny bit of Christmas in July. Let’s catch up!

My Week at a Glance
• How has your week been, my friend? All you have to do is to take one look at that face down below to know how my week has been going.
Bella Grace is a 3 month old cuddly, fluffy ball of energy and she is keeping me on my toes.

She’s starting to look a little scraggly though, so I’ll be glad to take her for her introduction to grooming next week. Since it’s her first visit, they won’t do much, but I’m hoping she comes back at least and a little less scruffy.
Also, potty training a puppy is not for the faint of heart. And the mosquitoes eating me alive just adds to the fun. 😂
• I’m happy to report that the hubs is recovering well after his unexpected surgery last week.
Thank you so much for all of your well wishes!
We’re celebrating over here because he’s finally been released to bend over. I don’t think you realize how much you need (or how often your wife has to do it for you) to do that until you can’t.
On My Wish List
Did you know that there’s a page here at Worthing Court called Weekly Favorite Finds? You can find it up towards the top of the page, right below my logo, on the right hand side.
Every single week, I post a brand new collection of my favorite finds for you. You’ll find everything from decor, fashion, to beautiful linens, and more.
Here are a couple of favorites from this week, but visit THIS PAGE to see everything on the most recent Wish List!
I really love these green chinoiserie ginger jars. They would be perfect in any room.

You guys know that my heart does a few flips for pattern. Aren’t these pillows incredible?

Fabulous Inspiration
I love bold and colorful rooms and this master bedroom from Dimples and Tangles is definitely a great example of colors done right.

I’m tucking this pretty idea away for Christmas. She also gives some great advice for adding blue and white to your Christmas table and decor.

I’m green with envy over this gorgeous sideboard from Bees Knees Interior Design. Don’t you love those lamps, too?!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. I look forward to musing with you again next week!
Where did you get the Bench in Bedroom.
Hi Nancy. This isn’t my bedroom, but perhaps if you contact Jennifer she can tell you. Click on the link in my blog post to take you to her blog and her contact information should be somewhere there.