Style Showcase 9 | Christmas Decorating Ideas Galore!
Come see all the festive Christmas decorating ideas here in style showcase 9th edition!
Welcome to the 9th edition of Style Showcase, the weekly destination for home decor inspiration!
I can’t help but feel like we are on the fast, downhill slope toward Christmas! It always throws me when Thanksgiving falls at the end of the year, but I’m doing my best to soak up and savor every little bit of Christmas fun and hold it close.
This past weekend, we attended a neighborhood open house. That in itself isn’t all that unusual, but what was a little different was that we all sang quite a few Christmas carols. It’s been a long time since I had sung carols, other than to sing along with the radio, so that was a lot of fun! I’m hoping that a group will get together as we get closer to Christmas and go carolling throughout the neighborhood!
Enjoy this week’s holiday inspiration!
Atta Girl Says | Santa-Inspired Christmas Porch
Such a beautifully decorated porch complete with Mr. & Mrs Claus!
Fox Hollow Cottage | Cozy Cottage Cabin Christmas Home Tour
The shimmering Christmas tree in the dining room, the candle vignette in the sitting room and a table set for the holidays creates the perfect backdrop for a joyful celebration.
Sand & Sisal | Gorgeous DIY Gold Leaf Ornaments
I love the gold leaf accents on these blue Christmas ornaments!
Shabbyfufu | Christmas At Night Home Tour
Such a stunning display of golden amber details in this Christmas home decor.
Town & County Living | Christmas Floral Chandelier
This chic chandelier filled with natural elements really creates the impact of holiday charm for this dining room.
Worthing Court | Merry Christmas Kitchen Decorating Ideas
I love the traditional Christmas colours of red and green so my holiday vignette that I created has brightened up my kitchen and brought the festive spirit out!
A Piece Of Rainbow | Easy & Almost Free Christmas Gift Wrapping
Receiving one of these thoughtfully decorated presents at Christmas would be such a joy!
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