Style Showcase 12 | Winter Decor, European Farmhouse Tour, Pantry Organization And More!
Welcome to the Style Showcase – the weekly destination for home decor inspiration!
I don’t know about you, but I’m still struggling to get fully back into my routine, now that the holidays are over and done with. I have a strong suspicion that all of the rainy weather we’ve been having for the last couple of weeks is behind my seeming inability to “get it together”. If only it was snow. 😀
If you’re looking for winter decorating ideas or even a winter decorating recipe, this is the post for you! This week, you’ll also find a tour of a European Farmhouse (pssst – it’s not in Europe!), ideas for organizing your pantry and a cute moss ball craft. Enjoy!
Town & Country Living | Winter Mantel
Worthing Court | Recipe To Combat The Winter Blahs In Your Home
Shabbyfufu | Modern European Farmhouse Home Tour
Fox Hollow Cottage | Open Pantry Makeover & Organizing Ideas
Sand & Sisal | DIY Kokedama – Japanese Moss Ball Planters
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I really love your postings. However, my computer displays everything in a light gray type and it is very hard to read. Is it possible to use a font that shows up darker please?
Thank you for letting me know, Judy. I actually agree with you! I’ll check with my tech guy. 😀