SS 283 | Spring Decor, Colorful Shutters, Tabletop Ideas + More!
I’m so glad that you’re joining for this week’s Style Showcase!

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I could really use your help! Now that spring has officially arrived, I’m on the hunt for flowers to put in my window boxes. But here’s the caveat – they have to be fake.
I know me and I know that I won’t keep up with watering them, so they’ll just wither away (and I’ll have wasted a ton of money).
So – I need fake, realistic, UV resistant, outdoor flowers. Do you have a recommendation? Please, please share with me if you do!
In the meantime, enjoy all of the gorgeous inspiration in this week’s Showcase!
I have a situation where I have to use fake flowers in my window box too! After many years of trying different things I have found that I use the white Geranium bushes from Hobby Lobby because they do not fade. Colored ones always fade even with UV protection. I have even bought UV spray to put on them and it helps a little but they still fade. I then add some trailing ivy or other trailing plants and some other bush greenery to fill in and it looks great when I am finished. I think the secret is staying with one color flower and greenery. I get inspiration from Grandin Road catalog because they sell the best flowers but most people cannot afford those prices. This will be my 4th year using the white Geraniums. Good Luck! I hope this was helpful.
Yes, that was very helpful. Thank you so much!