One Simple Thing For Organizing Christmas Decor
You don’t have spend a lot of time or go to a lot of trouble when it comes to organizing your Christmas decorations. Here’s one simple Christmas organization tip that will keep you from pulling your hair out next year.

When the time comes to get your Christmas decorations out each year, do you dread the task? Do you need to eat a Christmas cookie before you feel up to facing the frustration of not being able to find all of those favorite red ornaments (or whatever else you need)?

Been there, done that, bought a tee shirt.
I know that after Christmas, the temptation is strong to just throw everything into boxes and shove it away. At least it is for me.
Maybe you aren’t interested spending the time to completely organize all your Christmas decor right now. I get it! It was fun while it lasted, but by the time Christmas is over, I’m ready to just clear my house and put things back in order.

But please hear me out – if you don’t do any other organizing of your decorations, do this one simple thing…..
Sort your ornaments and other decorations by color.
If you can store everything in clear bins – great! If not, just put a label on the outside of the container. I even have some unbreakable ornaments that I store in clear plastic trash bags.

That’s it. If you’ll just do that one simple thing, I bet you’ll still have all of your hair on your head when you decorate for Christmas next year.
But – if you really have a hankering to go all out and organize all the things, click HERE to see how all of my seasonal decorations are organized, where you’ll find lots of great organizing tips!

Clear bins are my saving grace. I have 4 ornament trays for my antique ornaments and that keeps them safe. All other are sorted by color. Labels help too and I make a pic of each bin contents. The pics are saved on my storage device. I do a room each days for 6 days to decorate and the same to remove. Keeps you sane.
Love the room a day tip! Sometimes I’m just not completely over Christmas, even though I know I want to be rid of some things and start getting back to a fresh slate. This seems like an easy way to wind down without going “cold turkey”! Thanks for stating the obvious for me!