How To Keep The Cozy In Your Home After Christmas
As much as I’m ready for a clean slate to start off the new year, it’s always a little sad when all of the Christmas decorations are taken down. During the Christmas season, everything feels so cozy and I love it.

I believe that the cozy feel comes from being surrounded by all of the textures, colors, flavors and the general hominess look that our homes have when they are dressed for the season. There’s just something about it.
The Christmas decorations may have to come down, but that doesn’t mean that you have to lose the look and feel of coziness in your home.
Here are 7 ideas for keeping the cozy alive in your home after Christmas.
Create A Just-For-You Cozy Spot
When the temps drop low and there’s nowhere to go, I want nothing more than to cozy up at home in my pj’s. I don’t even want to put my big toe out the door if I don’t have to. So I’ve cozied up a little spot in my house that’s just the way I like it.
Cozy Up Your Fireplace With Winter Greens & Candles
It seems like a lot of people like to let the spaces in their home breathe a little after all of the Christmas decoration overload comes down. I think that I fall right in with that crowd. My Christmas mantel was loaded with stuff over the holidays, so I was more than ready for a serene look to carry me through winter.
Cozy Winter Living Room Ideas
During the winter, I add cozy spots all over my house. You just might be a little surprised at how I added coziness to my family room though.
If you love farmhouse style, this one’s for you!
Make A Winter Wreath With Flannel
Is anything cozier than flannel??? Get the directions for whipping up this fun and easy to make wreath in 10 minutes!
A Winter Decorating Recipe To Chase The Blahs Away
To combat the “cold bare naked house syndrome”, I’ve come up with a way that we can all make our winter decorating easy peasy. A way that doesn’t take any time at all and one that doesn’t require me to come up with a lot of creative, outside of the box ideas. My secret decorating weapon? A winter decorating recipe.
A Cozy & Fresh Winter Look
Rather than making my home look like winter exploded in it, I prefer to sprinkle what I like to call “winter moments” throughout my main rooms. It’s such an easy look to live with, but still gives me the coziness that I crave this time of year.