A Cozy Thanksgiving Tablescape Plus A Free Conversation Starter Printable!

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Ideas for setting a cozy Thanksgiving table with soft shades of burnished fall colors, plus a free conversation starter printable.

Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

There are many reasons why Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year, but the main one has to be that it’s the official kickoff of the holiday season. It’s the one time of the year when close and extended family and friends all come together for good food, good conversation and new memory making.

For the last few years, it has become a tradition for my daughter and granddaughters to spend the whole day with me the day before cooking and laughing and generally loving on one another. It’s a treasured time that I’ve come to look forward to with great anticipation every year!

Thanksgiving is also the time when the chilly temps outside cause me to crave cozy, intimate gatherings and meals. I want both my home and my holiday tables to feel especially warm and inviting all the way through Christmas.

Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

To create that cozy, intimate feeling for Thanksgiving this year, I set my table with various tones of burnished gold. It’s a lovely type of golden color that you only seem to see in nature during the fall when the leaves are turning and the angle that the sun hits the earth changes.

The inspiration for this Thanksgiving tablescape came from the wonderful color of the faux hops stems that I stumbled across in Hobby Lobby one day. I purchased a ton of them and spread them throughout my breakfast room when I decorated for fall this year!

fall vignette on a sideboard with amber, gold and green accessoriesPin

I used them in a vignette over on the sideboard and as part of the centerpiece that was in place prior to my Thanksgiving table setting. I just love them!

fall centerpiece in a woven tray with a containers filled with faux fall stems and a ceramic pumpkin boxPin

While I was at Hobby Lobby, I purchased several mini cutting boards to go along with some golden pumpkins and faux foliage to use as an embellishment at each place setting.

Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

The foliage came in the form of a bush that I simply snipped apart so that I could place a little sprig under the cutting board and top with a pumpkin at each place setting.

Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

The ruffled burlap placemats add a lot of wonderful texture to the table. Their neutral color mixes well with the colors in my plaid chargers.

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Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

I felt that using my everyday white dinner plates, instead of fall-colored ones, added a little pop of brightness to each setting and breaks up some of the fall colors to prevent the table from being too awfully themey.

Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

The centerpiece couldn’t be easier to throw together! It’s just a wooden box that I added several white candles to and then loaded down with those glorious hops.

I love that it’s nice and low so that it won’t interfere with any conversations across the table.

Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

Thanksgiving tablescape using pumpkins and traditional fall colorsPin

And speaking of conversation, it can be easy to feel out of touch with people that you might not spend time with very often. When I do get to spend time with those people, I much prefer to have meaningful conversations about what’s going in their world versus surface conversations about the weather and things of that nature.

I think it can be especially challenging to get young adults, teenagers and smaller children to express what’s been going on in their lives. Don’t you agree?

So, to help along the those lines, I’ve created a five-question list of fun conversation starters for each place setting at your table. No need to sign up for my newsletter – the printable is available to everyone as my Thanksgiving gift to you!

image of graphic with list of questions for Thanksgiving conversationsPin

The questions are purposely designed so that they require more than the famous one or two word answers that some of our young people are famous for and are meant to give you insight into what has been going on in each other’s worlds and are bound to lead to lots of memories and laughs!

Simply click on the “Thanksgiving Conversation Starter” link above the image below to be able to download the pdf file and print them on your own computer. Two of the question lists will print on each page so that they can be easily cut apart and placed at each setting.


image of graphic with list of questions for Thanksgiving conversationsPinSEE MORE THANKSGIVING TABLESCAPES AND TIPS BY CLICKING HERE!

Happy Thanksgiving and happy conversing, my friends!


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  1. Nancy Carroll says:

    Looks beautiful and inviting!! Love that the girls spend the day before helping you cook. Great tradition! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  2. What a beautiful Thanksgiving table! I just love that centerpiece overflowing with those stems!! I have a list of questions everyone gets at Thanksgiving as well. They are a little different but they seem to send people down memory lane and get them talking!

  3. Terrie M. Schmidt says:

    I like the conversation starters and I was going to print it out, when I noticed a typo in the second one. The you instead of your. Can you fix this, please?

    1. Oh no! I must have proof read that thing 100 times – ugh. For techy reasons (that I won’t bore you with), I unfortunately can’t correct it. I’m so sorry!

      1. Terrie M. Schmidt says:

        Thanks anyway.

  4. I love your fall tablescape especially the plaid chargers. Would you please share the source? Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I purchased those chargers at Michaels several years ago.