What To Do With That Dead Space At The Top Of Your Stairs

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If you have a dead space at the top of your stairs I will show you ideas on how to decorate it!

What To Do With That Dead Space At The Top Of Your Stairs || Worthing Court graphic.Pin

One of the parts of my foyer makeover that I needed to address, but haven’t shared before, is the dead space at the top of the stairs.  The area is visible when anyone enters our front door, so I didn’t want to leave it as just a blank, blah and empty space.  Plus, there were the remains of an old smoke detector and a round metal plate attached to the ceiling (for who knows what reason) that needed to be gotten rid of.  My eye went straight to that spot every time I looked up.

The top of the stairs long narrow hallway.Pin

There isn’t lot of room to work with in this long narrow spot, that’s for sure!  I played around with a few different things using tables that I already own and even considered building another bench similar to the ones in my foyer, but all of my tables were too deep and I really didn’t want another bench in this area.  Plus, the thought of all those legs and spindles was too much.

What this area was begging for was a tall’ish, narrow chest in a soft blue color!    😀   The chest is only 12″ deep so it gives us plenty of walking room.  It’s a little taller than many small chests, which makes it more visible from the downstairs area of the foyer and all of the drawers will come in handy for storage.

There is a turqoise chest of drawers against the wall in the hallway.Pin

I am in total LOVE with this adorable light fixture – it’s a great addition to this space!  It blends right in with the new foyer chandelier (which I haven’t shared yet) and the sconces that I added to the board and batten wall down in the foyer.  The light fixture can be purchased HERE.

There is woven basket filled with throw pillows beside the chest of drawers in the hallway.Pin

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    What had me stumped for a few days was what to hang above the chest.  A grouping of pictures would have been too much, considering that I’m already adding a gallery wall going up the steps.  (You can see a portion of the gallery wall in the above photo.)  And since all those frames are going to be filled with pictures of some kind, I wanted something different above the chest.  An old, chippy frame out of my attic and a boxwood wreath proved to be the perfect decor solution!

    Hang a boxwood wreath inside an old empty picture frame .Pin

    I’ve talked about the importance of the small things before, so this little bit of black and white ribbon, that the wreath is hanging from, helps to reinforce the black and white of my banister and the black picture frames that will make up my gallery wall.  The boxwood wreath is 21″ in diameter and can be purchased HERE (affiliate link).

    To create a greenery arrangement, I filled a thrifted basket with clay pots from the dollar store (two for $1!) and filled the pots with foliage clipped from artificial greenery bushes.  Easy peasy and very inexpensive!

    Clay pots from the dollar store placed in a thrifted basket and filled with clippings from artificial greenery bushes on the top of the chest of drawers.Pin

    Clay pots inside a narrow basket on the top of the drawers.Pin

    Do you have any dead space in your home that you could add a small chest too?

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    1. Lisa Kissner Cooper says:

      Love, love, love the blue chest! What a great addition for your hallway!

    2. What a great looking chest! It is perfect for that space. By your light fixture (which looks amazing in that spot), I’m guessing your chandelier will be #2 choice as well. Can’t wait to see it!

    3. Love the look! and love that you used a lot of what you already had!

    4. Love the blue chest!!!!! Well done!

    5. I have a blue chest just like that . I use it in my hallway next to my stairway and I love it. Yours looks great in your dead space and I like the boxwood wreath.

    6. Looks great, I love your choices. You always make it look so easy!!

    7. Linda Owens says:

      Love the blue chest. It is perfect for the space.
      Linda Owens

    8. Love how the space turned out. And, might just have to copy your sweet faux greens arrangement. It will be the perfect addition to my table that is at the top of our foyer.

    9. Your foyer really looks amazing. It is homey and inviting yet very upscale and you carried that all the way up to the top of the stairs. I finally solved my small L-shaped landing problem when I found a gorgeous 5’x6′ French tapestry at an estate sale. I smile everytime I use the stairs. 🙂

    10. Looks great!!! You did a really nice job in a problem area. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

    11. Jacki Salinas says:

      What an awesome solution – looks great! I need a narrow chest in my dining area, but am hoping to find an antique something.

    12. Mary Chris says:

      You are lucky to have found one so narrow. It looks great.

    13. Beautiful! Love the blue chest.

    14. Super idea! Love that ‘skinny ‘ chest…fits perfectly! 😉

    15. Veronica R. says:

      Thanks! I have this problem area too. The stairway has a small platform and turns right to three last stairs. Always bugs me. Now I can fix it!!

    16. What a wonderful blue chest! I love that it’s not very deep and have the perfect spot for one also. Thank you!

    17. I love the chest and the boxwood wreath above it! It fits just right in that space!!

    18. It’s amazing how transformed the hall became. I have a similar shorter hall and it always bugs me. And I also have a remnant smoke alarm too. I’m inspired by your beautiful color choices. I recently made a fresh bay leaf wreath …it may have found a new home!!

    19. Julie Briones says:

      That looks beautiful, Suzy. Perfect addition to the hall. Love the details of the decor, as well. <3

      My Wee Abode's hallway needs a VERY narrow and short bookcase (I think I'm going to need to do a DIY… eventually.)

    20. Very clever way to use dead space! And I’m with you….I try to be careful if I have a bisy wall and balance it with a simpler wall..good job!