The Best Way To Combat Cabin Fever in Your Home
Feeling restless, irritable, or bored while you’re stuck inside this winter? Cambridge Dictionary defines what you may be feeling as cabin fever.
It happens to me every single year – right around this time.

According to Google, February 2nd, which is Groundhog Day, is the official halfway point of winter. Sunny spring days can’t get here fast enough!
I always enjoy the cozy winter vibe in my home after all of the Christmas decor has been taken down and put away, but that only lasts for about a week for me and then I’m ready for warm weather and blooming flowers.
So far this winter, we’ve been fortunate to not have any ice storms, which are common in my neck of the woods (although I wouldn’t mind some snow!).
But, even so, it’s this time of year that I always begin to wonder if the dreary days of winter will ever end and if spring will ever arrive!
I honestly don’t think I’d mind winter so much if the trees weren’t bare of all their leaves. I miss all of the green!

I know in my heart that spring is just over the horizon, so even though it isn’t here quite yet, there are some small things that I can do in my own home to help me “survive” the remaining days of winter that seem to drag on forever.
Tip #1: Bring the outside in.
Whether real, artificial, or dried, adding just a few flowers or greenery to your home will say instant spring! I love to sprinkle a little something that’s green or blooming around all of the rooms in my house.
The live plants, that I added to my family room a year ago and other areas, are a welcome sight this time of year!
In addition to live plants, fresh flowers from the grocery store, real or artificial boxwood anything and dried hydrangeas are a few of my favorites.

Tip #2: Bring in natural light.
As long as the sun is shining, I almost, almost don’t care how cold it is outside. I absolutely crave the sun this time of year.
I try to take advantage of those few sunny winter days, by throwing open those curtains and blinds and letting the sun pour into the house.
Even better – I’ll get an instant mood lifter, by actually spending some time sitting in front of one of those warm and sunny windows!

Tip #3: Add cheery color to your decor.
Yes, darker colors can make a room feel cozy, but if you’re combating the winter doldrums, adding a few bright pops of color to your home will create the feeling of lightness that we all associate with spring.
Color can easily be added with throw pillows, accessories, throws, or even colorful artwork. You just might be surprised what a mood-lifter a little color can be!

Thankfully, for those of us who crave the warmer weather, winter doesn’t last forever! I hope these simple tips will help to get you through until spring finally arrives.
I love winter and the slow peaceful time it brings. Hot, humid summers are not my cup of tea. Embrace winter!!
We have had such crazy weather this winter. I believe we are in for an early spring as everything is already starting to bloom, but we’ve experienced freezing temps in early April in the past, so who knows. Great tips.
Thanks for the encouragement, Suzy!
I wish we had a winter!!! I’m in Florida and we haven’t had hardly any cold weather. I hope Spring comes soon for you!
Great ideas… However, because we have had so little rain for so many years, her in SoCal I think we are enjoying the winter for as long as it will last… at least that’s how I feel right now! 😉
Especially love the greenery!
Going for some “faux” greenery right away. Go away WINTER! Your weather sounds alike like Oklahoma. We were 28 degrees this am and 70 degrees by mid-afternoon. Crazy! No wonder we are all sick with sinus trouble!
This was an awesome inspiring post. Having just got back from Disneyland with sun and 78 I feel like winter will never end. I think if I could afford to break up winter with a January or Feb vacation each year going someplace warm would be nice. However not sure the checkbook would agree. Will try some of your hints. Thanks for sharing.
I already have a few daffodils blooming, so I cut a few to bring inside to enjoy and it`s amazing how cheerful they look. such a mood changer.
Love fresh flowers in the house. My treat to me!
Thanks for the good tips. We’ve had a mild Winter in the Fort Worth, Texas area so I feel very blessed but I will be happy to welcome Spring!
I have been using lots of preserved boxwood around the house since taking down the Christmas decorations. It really helps make the house less bare looking.
I agree with adding white to your decor. I recently added white drapes and white dishes to my dining room decor. Wow, what a difference! So, bright and light.
I love adding flowers and greenery to my home! Hydrangea, Daisy’s, sunflowers and boxwood are my favorites! Thank you for your inspiration!
All of your ideas are so inspiring’. Keep them coming!!! So ready for nice and warm spring weather with many sunny days!!
Thanks for the hints. Feels like we haven’t seen the sun in forever. Have noticed it getting lighter in the mornings though and that makes me very happy.
I am ready for Spring.
I love all of your whites and natural elements with just that right pop of color. Your farmhouse decor is absolutely beautiful. On those cold and dreary days your decor always looks cozy.
Very welcome ideas-thank you!!
I have always had plants and flowers in the house. Makes it seem like I am out in the garden watching things grow and bloom. Such a stress relief